
Indeterminate Aggregations

 Indeterminate Aggregations   2017-18   The self contained nature of timber joinery offers up the potential for a looser interpretation of the joint. Less strict use of such connections allows one to build up systems without predefined forms, enablin

Indeterminate Aggregations


The self contained nature of timber joinery offers up the potential for a looser interpretation of the joint. Less strict use of such connections allows one to build up systems without predefined forms, enabling a structure to be playful and adapt to the context. Subtle variations in connection angle and mismatching joint pairs lead an ever growing structure projecting off in many directions and looping back around. Today’s advanced tools enable the involved cuts required for each joint to be done relatively quickly and precisely. With the goal of developing a more unconventional relationship with these techniques and experimenting around novel uses of timber joinery, I have prototyped various components and begun to analyze the outcomes. This research aims to test the potential of timber joinery variation cut by robotics to lead novel structural aggregation, a system of components each with varying universal joints, yet the overall form is left undetermined until it is assembled.

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